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 Before making a REQUESTS!

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JoKeR LauGh

JoKeR LauGh

Age : 35
Location : Malaysia
Join Date : 2011-09-17
Number of Posts : 21

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Before making a REQUESTS! Empty
PostSubject: Before making a REQUESTS!   Before making a REQUESTS! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Sep 2011, 01:24

Before making a Request

You must have a good idea.
The idea must be a good idea and can develop our server.
Make sure your idea is not crazy.
Your idea must have a supporter from the others to make the request!
You must respect to everyone who reply to your thread!
Your request must not be a HACK PLUGIN/REQUEST or your thread will be closed!
You must respect the moderator or ADMINISTRATOR for your request!
Your idea must be good and not annoying to the others!
Your idea must be no RASICM or your thread will be closed!

Thanks For Reading!

PS : Read here before making a new thread , If your thread has a bad request like I said . It will be closed!
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Before making a REQUESTS!
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